Yeah I figured the prince was really a douche. I assume those others are "Elevens" and other people from conquered nations (assuming that what's the term means) and that those people are like subhumans. Another observation here is how they're only supposed to pay respect to the Britannians killed and not the "others" mentioned on the news.

This situation with this prince guy overseeing (and making frequent broadcasts of himself for) a numbered area once conquered by an overwhelming force reminds me a ton of Half Life 2. I have no idea what's happening right now, but it seems to involve chess? Does being good at chess (and related tabletop games from the sound of things) have some sort of special meaning? Lelouch seemed pretty happy to be going against a noble. By the way, thanks to the best OP contest going on right now for showing me this OP and making me want to watch the anime in the first place. Hang on, is this a fucking mecha show? Might've watched this a few years earlier if I knew that, hell yeah. Either that or I've missed a whole lot in the past decade. I guess FMA Brotherhood won't be the longest anime I've watched at the end of this. Ho-ly shit, I was not expecting 75 episodes. I'm gonna start off subbed here, but is the dub any good? Also the soup store skit from that parody. To start, all I know about this show is there are politics and pizza.